Serendib Nature Trails the Paragastota Visit

In the lush embrace of Paragastota, time meanders like a gentle stream. Here, the tea leaves rustle with the wisdom of the earth, each one a keeper of whispered secrets. The air is thick with the scent of verdure, and the sun dapples through the canopy, painting the world in hues of emerald and gold.

In this serene haven, one can’t help but feel the pulse of nature’s unhurried rhythm, inviting you to pause, breathe, and savor the tranquil beauty of life slowed down to the cadence of the leaves’ soft susurrus

  1. Sightseeing in the Kingdom of Raigampura. Visit to Pathahawaththa Rajamaha Viharaya (Royal Temple) to visit the ruins of the ancient palace.
  2. Walking through Uyanwaththa Lake the man-made lake with water rampart and irrigated water still provides for thousands of hectares of paddy fields in the area.
  3. Visit to Garcinia Lake mangrove forest, boat rides, and fish therapy for half an hour.
  4. Roaming around Garcinia lake rich bird life, and flora and fauna stretch for more than dozen of hectares.

Our invitation to the eco-tourism experience at Paragastota is truly inspiring! It is like a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature, history, and the local community. The focus on cultural heritage and community well-being is commendable, and it’s a great privilege to have such initiatives that offer a deeper, more meaningful travel experience.

For those interested in joining, it is a perfect way to explore the historical treasures of Sri Lanka while supporting sustainable tourism and local livelihoods. We are converting 30 years of abandoned marshy paddy land into a modern-day GHG mitigation centre along with hydroponic agriculture.

#SerendibNatureTrails #VisitParagastota #SerendipityVacation

Published by Serendib Herbal Tea Exports

Pure Ceylon Tea Exporters with Village Artisan Options.