The Value of Serendib Herbal Tea

It’s believe that toxic chemicals in the body can reduce immune capacity by 50%. Four or five grams of trans fat a day over 14 years will increase your heart-disease risk by 100% (Paul Kramer, 2007).



Value of Herbal Tea and Its Health Benefit

Traditionally the word “tea” is used to describe this plant Camellia Sinensis and products made using parts of the tea plant. However, on some occasions the word “tea” is used to describe other products made from other plants. This has led to confusions and ambiguity as some people think that these products are made from Camellia Sinensis and therefore has similar health benefits as true tea. The chemical composition of the beverages made from other plant species is quite different to that of Camellia Sinensis. Therefore, the effects of these beverages on human health will also be different. When they are added to black tea with correct measures that can be a very valuable herbal supplement to address some ailments like diabetes, obesity, cold, and even high cholesterol level.

Pure Ceylon Tea with Best Natural Herbs

Orthodox teas are the higher quality tea options in today’s market. They are full leaved and flavorful, with unique characteristics that will vary depending on who actually makes the tea (among other things). To top it off, the full leaves allow you to get more of the natural antioxidants in the tea to be most beneficial health-wise. Therefore it always wise to select best quality orthodox tea and tested herbals for your consumption.


Antioxidant properties

Valuable Ingredient called catechins in tea which are synergistic with vitamins E and C, Protective against digestive and respiratory infections and can reduce the cancer-promoting actions of carcinogens and ultraviolet light. The antioxidants in green, black, and oolong teas can help block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and improve artery function. The antioxidant and lipid lowering activities of both extracts from CTC leaf and dust tea was comparable and may be due to the presence of natural products like catechin and others. In this respect, correct herbal tea can be very valuable way of addressing human ailments. Considering these factors we can say that Serendib Golden Tea quite distinct from conventional brands such as Lipton, Brookbond, Dilmah,Tata,Tajmahal,Parivar or FB fresh.

ITI Sri Lanka
Health risks of Unorthodox Tea

As herbal teas cannot be composed of any plant material, it should only include scientifically proven time tested herbs. Therefore, so many products in open market including some plants that are known to be toxic, the specific ingredients must be checked for health and safety individually. Most herbal teas sold as beverages untested for safety. But Ayurvedic herbal teas that contain small quantities of herbs that don’t cause damage in any means since they are time tested for over 4000 years and taken moderately.

Click to access pyrrolizidine-alkaloids-in-herbal-teas-and-teas.pdf


During pregnancy
In addition to the issues mentioned above which are risks to all people, several medicinal herbs are considered abortifacients, and if consumed large quantities by a pregnant woman could cause miscarriage. These include common ingredients like nutmeg, mace, papaya, bitter melon, verbena, saffron, slippery elm, and possibly pomegranate. It also includes more obscure herbs, like mugwort, rue, pennyroyal, wild carrot, blue cohosh, tansy, and savin.

References :
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